Saturday 20 October 2018

Nations Unite!

United Nations, Nations uniting! This has kept world peace, this has formed friendship, partnership and order to the countries involved. This friendship was built long time ago now. So it means the friendship is strong.

United Nation is the one that helps countries rise from poverty with the help of the different countries around the world, they can help a country slowly but surely. Just like the quote "no man is an island" it can also be applied here. Where a country cant improve by its own only, they also need help from other countries.

United Nations has also the concern about the rights of each and everyone. It focuses on how people will live happily and harmonously. Ensuring no rights being forgoten, bwing ignored and also being abused

The main goal of this to maintain a safe place to live on, to live a happy life, to ensure everyone to eat 3 meals a day and most importantly, the peace and order that has been a dream for thousands of years already.

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