Tuesday 12 March 2019

4th Quarter Memories

     This 4th and last quarter of our Grade 10 year, and the last quarter being a science class student was never easy. Having to study things with only a few time. It was hard rushing lessons but there i learned how to manage my time better.

      In our ICT 10 4th grading period, i learned how to be creative in a way i could use my imagination in advertising our own school. It was fun making such activities for because i am the type of person who's imagination has a limit.  But with my friends support and guide, i got out of my comfort zone and begun running as if i broke into lose. And started to like how the earth revolves.

       Moving on, i will never forget the bonds i shared with my second family in our second home. For they got me out of what i am and showing me the purpose. Life is like a photoshop, you choose whether to make your life better or let it be as what it originally seem.

Monday 11 March 2019

The call of a dream

           It was never a mistake dreaming. Dreaming is for the ones believing in their own self. If you dream of something realistic, try to reach it. It was given to you with a reason. Don't be afraid of dreaming big, because this will take you on a long journey but meaningful.

           Back when i was still young, i was so ambitious about things i wanted to be. But now, i only want to be a successful doctor. it is hard because we don't have that much income. But i will try to be a working student before i take my med school and finish nursing course. I only realized that dreaming is going to take you in a rough road but to success. Nothing is too certain, but we have to choose whether to fight for this dream or to make that dream impossible.

           The first and foremost the barrier in dreaming is fear. A head full of fears has no space for dreams. Fear and doubt has been the sole purpose of fallen dreams. Because people tend to lose their self esteem during the process of achieving this dreams. It can be by the influence of this judgmental and cruel world. Only one thing is for sure,the only thing worse than being blind is having sight for the future but having no vision on what you are going to be. Don't just call it a dream, call it a goal!

References: https://www.google.com/search?q=dreams+picture&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj_uqeQsPngAhVHBIgKHQYWCW4Q_AUIDigB&biw=1366&bih=657#imgrc=bBHRtRsBJRiCvM:
Prince EA


Friday 8 March 2019

Aim high! Fly! Soar! Ilocos Sur National High School!

                High school day is a school tradition by which, celebrated the history of the school. Different school gives interesting activities. All are fond to make enjoyment to each and everyone.

                Ilocos Sur National High School celebrates High school day or foundation day once every school year. By which celebrated before the end of the school year. As per adviced, it was a 2-day celebration. It was indeed a day to remember for me. Because of the activities the CAT joined. as one of the CAT officers, It was indeed a day well spent during the coronation of the Royal Court and the Arrival of Honors. It was tough preparing for this kind of activity, but we conquered it all since we all wanted the same goal.


       After that, The guest speaker sent his address and the main event has begun. The grade 7-12 dancing competition. Each students have a smile in their faces during the performance. It was indeed a memorable day as the Grade 8 girls and boys won the best performance.

                 Time flew so fast that it felt like the whole celebration was just an hour ago. But you cannot remove the memories that was built during the foundation day. And i am proud to be a stud

ent of Ilocos Sur National High School continuing to aim higher, fly higher and soar higher. Proud ISNHS'ian
