Tuesday 8 January 2019

Understanding Things

Another chapter has ended. Lets begin a new chapter where we can learn alot of different things once more. Learning new things was of course hard but you can never deny the fact that we had fun doing things that are new to us. More practice and it will surely be helpfull someday.

This 3rd grading period in our ICT 10, i learned to design a Web page where we did every step one at a time and exploring the deeper use of the notepad. I never expected that you can use html tags in notepad. I had fun designing a web page but of course, i had problems while doing it.

While making this activity, I always commit small errors and when I cant find that small error, i get really impatient and it makes me feel lazy. And i would ask our teacher what went wrong and she said that i should look at it carefully. And i have to try every possible things just to fix the error.

With our teacher, guiding us through out the journey. We can easily make things in a good way. she helped each and everyone of us to make a really good design and i only listened to what she has to say and i'll do it and i have already proven that teachers really guides us to be the best definition on our own.

Moving on with this chapter, i will never forget the fun i had and the learnings i did. This chapter was rough, but this is a challenge for students to have a clear future. The future awaits i must say. And hoping to learn more in the next chapter.